Clara Holling



Clara Holling

Welcome to our community: How do you define PEACE?

Peace has so many facets and attributes that it may be impossible to accumulate them all into one all-encompassing definition. Yet, I indicate three main characters of peace that first come to my mind:

For me, peace primarily means consent between people. To respectfully acknowledge differences and to accept comprise.

Peace is not a status but it is a process. It is constantly produced by people who handle their conflicts with others in a non-violent manner.

Peace between individuals may have a different character than peace between interest groups, between states or between international organisations. The type of peace thereby depends on the entities involved in the peace process.

How did you find this community?

I found the Galtung-Instutut through its homepage, while searching for internship opportunities at an institute for mediation or peace and conflict studies

Do you have any professional experience in the field of peace-research? peace-studies? peace-practice?

In the frame of my studies, I am currently researching on Boko Haram in Nigeria and the role that religion and identity plays in populist movements throughout Europe.

Otherwise, not yet 🙂

Are you at all familiar with concepts of Nonviolence and Conflict Transformation?

Yes. I am currently deepening my knowledge about these concepts through self-study and essay writing.

What are your primary conceptual interests and concerns

social psychological mechanisms in conflicts (e.g. how does the exercise of power influence the human psyche? What are the psychological mechanisms behind social and political polarisation?), mediation practice (what may be a "basic recipe" for reconciliation?)

What is your main regional focus?

Former Yugoslavia


German native, English C1, Spanish C1, French B1, Romanian A2


Clara Holling ( * 03.12.1993 in Münster)

Academic Background

  • 08/2000 – 07/2004: Thomas-Morus primary school in Münster
  • 08/2004 – 07/2013: Annette – von – Droste – Hülshoff Gymnasium in Münster,final certificate from educational establishment: „Abitur“ in June
  • Since 2014: Study at University College in Freiburg (Germany), Liberal Arts and Science (BA), Specialisation in Governance
  • 02-06/2017 Current semester abroad at Amsterdam University College (Netherlands)

Additional qualifications

  • 04/2006 and 03/2009: Student exchanges with Rouen and Paris, France
  • 04/2010: Student exchange with Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland
  • 01/2010: „Diplome d´études en langue francaise“ DELF B1
  • 08/2010 – 06/2011: Year abroad in Ecuador with American Field Service (AFS)
  • 2011: Workshop „Frieden schaffen – aber wie?“ with field trip to Berlin in September 2012
  • 09/2013 – 06/2014: European Volunteer Service in Romania (Supervision of an integrative social project with Roma and Romanian children)
  • 11/2015: Study trip to Strasbourg to the International Court of Human Rights
  • 03/2016: Internship at department of Ecological Management at the city hall in Avrig, Romania

Community engagement

  • Being a member of the initiative „Schlüsselmensch“ in Freiburg, I form part of the project “Tanzpaten” (Dance-partners) which includes free, weekly dancing lessons for refugee children in Freiburg. It is planned to integrate students of a cooperating high-school into the project.
  • Within the framework of the AK Freie Bildung, I organise projects and demonstrations, advocating for free education for everyone.

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