Naakow Grant-Hayford started the forum topic Nepal: From Contradictions to Compelling Constructive Visions (Interview with Federica Ricadonna) in the group
Nepal- A Peace and Conflict Perspective vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Nepal: From Contradictions to Compelling Constructive Visions
Federica Riccadonn interviewed by Naakow Grant-Hayford
Galtung-Institut & TRANSCEND Media Service
Federica Riccadonna is a research […]
Naakow Grant-Hayford und
angus barclay sind jetzt Freunde vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Naakow Grant-Hayford antwortete zum Thema Looking at Africa From Within Africa im Forum African Futures vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Now let’s get to the habitual ways of looking at africa with Murdock at the back of our minds and see what hypotheses this may help generate on why the societal forms of interaction occuring on the continent are occuring just the way they are.
ENVIRONMENT and Survival Basic Need):
Naakow Grant-Hayford replied to the forum topic Looking at Africa From Within Africa in the group
African Futures vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Now let’s get to the habitual ways of looking at africa with Murdock at the back of our minds and see what hypotheses this may help generate on why the societal forms of interaction occuring on the continent are […]
Naakow Grant-Hayford replied to the forum topic POWER 2/4: POLITICAL & DECISIONMAKING in the group
International Relations, Politics, Conflict, War & Peace, R2P, Human Rights vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
As self-demeaning as this wasand continues to be, I just thought this must be shared with the community 🙂
Naakow Grant-Hayford schrieb einen neuen Beitrag vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Naakow Grant-Hayford antwortete zum Thema EYES ON IRAN – WHY WAR WON’T WORK im Forum International Relations: Conflict, War & Peace vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Some Backgorund Material on the Geopolitical Situation of Iran
Naakow Grant-Hayford replied to the forum topic IRAN WATCH in the group
International Relations, Politics, Conflict, War & Peace, R2P, Human Rights vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Some Backgorund Material on the Geopolitical Situation of Iran
Naakow Grant-Hayford replied to the forum topic Post A Peace Song [with Lyrics :-)] in the group
General Discussion vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Too young to die Jamiroquoai
Don’t want no war,
‚Cos we’re too young to die,
So many people,
All around the […] -
Naakow Grant-Hayford replied to the forum topic Self-reliance by Thomas Sankara (an italian documentary) in the group
African Futures vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Sankara – the upright man aka don’t you ever mess with the WEST
Naakow Grant-Hayford replied to the forum topic Post A Peace Song [with Lyrics :-)] in the group
General Discussion vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one
Drying in the colour of the evening sun
Tomorrow’s rain will wash the stains away
But something […] -
Naakow Grant-Hayford und
Asli Degirmenci Sagbakken sind jetzt Freunde vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Naakow Grant-Hayford und
Silvia sind jetzt Freunde vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Naakow Grant-Hayford schrieb einen neuen Beitrag vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Naakow Grant-Hayford veröffentlichte ein Update in der Gruppe
African Futures vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Mon dieu, qu’est-ce qu’ils sont prolixes les intellectuels francophones. C’est hyper-enervant. Presque 2 heures de ma vie, et pour moi, il n’y’a eu que 5 moments forts dans tout son verbiage. Incroyable.
La question que je me pose, c’est celle ci: Penser l’afrique a partir du continent: Je suis d’accord. Il est grand temps. Maintenant: penser le monde a partir de l’afrique ca donnerait quoi? Je pense que c’est une question que nous nous posons assez rarement – sinon jamais. Mais bon. Veuillons voir ou nous menera la reflexion sur le sujet.
Naakow Grant-Hayford hat die Gruppe
African Futures erstellt vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Naakow Grant-Hayford replied to the forum topic Obama: ”Great Speaker, But Kills Little Children” in the group
General Discussion vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
Good lord now thats one heavy topic to debate. You\’ve started soemthing here.
I\’ll probably comment on this at a latter point. But I didn\’t know you were into Hiphop that much. 🙂
Naakow Grant-Hayford started the forum topic DEFENDING HUMAN RIGHTS THE RIGHT WAY in the group
International Relations, Politics, Conflict, War & Peace, R2P, Human Rights vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
I can\’t believe I missed this. Here is how to defend and advocate UNIVERSAL human rights
Naakow Grant-Hayford hat die Gruppe
General Discussion erstellt vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten
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