Sebastian Eck
NataleeQ antwortete zum Thema Collective Assignment 1 im Forum University of Sydney Students ACT-class of 2016 vor 8 Jahren, 11 Monaten
Hi @Carole Berrih,
I hope it’s not too late. I just checked the forum. Laura and I have been in contact during the past few days working on our paper, and finally get to really enjoy the holiday today.
I just went through a crash course in our paper-DPT-related-issues on UK. It seems that we could use Luke’s input for military and politics…[Weiterlesen] -
NataleeQ replied to the forum topic Collective Assignment 1 in the group
University of Sydney Students ACT-class of 2016 vor 8 Jahren, 11 Monaten
Hi @Carole Berrih,
I hope it’s not too late. I just checked the forum. Laura and I have been in contact during the past few days working on our paper, and finally get to really enjoy the holiday today.
I […] -
william robert da silva kommentierte auf 10 basic points about Johan Galtung vor 8 Jahren, 11 Monaten
I met Prof. Galtung and his wife as visiting professors in the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Osnabruck. Prof. Gyorgy Szell had invited them I was a Visiting Professor there too.
The many […] -
Keil Eggers replied to the forum topic Collective Assignment 1 in the group
University of Sydney Students ACT-class of 2016 vor 8 Jahren, 11 Monaten
If anyone has any questions or would like me to review what you have written before you submit your essays, I am happy to help! My email and Skype- – keil.eggers
I was able to listen […] -
G-I Administration und
Anna sind jetzt Freunde vor 8 Jahren, 11 Monaten
Vanessa Daí und
Julia Müller sind jetzt Freunde vor 8 Jahren, 11 Monaten
NataleeQ und
Martin Jank sind jetzt Freunde vor 8 Jahren, 11 Monaten
NataleeQ und
Luke Hartley sind jetzt Freunde vor 8 Jahren, 12 Monaten
NataleeQ replied to the forum topic ACT: Advanced Conflict Transformation & Professional Peace Research in the group
University of Sydney Students ACT-class of 2016 vor 8 Jahren, 12 Monaten
The more I get to know Prof. Galtung — through his published articles and videos — the deeper my respect grow for the Professor, the organization and the team.
The syntax and case illustrations appear to be […]
Keil Eggers replied to the forum topic Collective Assignment 1 in the group
University of Sydney Students ACT-class of 2016 vor 8 Jahren, 12 Monaten
Great work Niamh! Your video was very clear and will certainly be useful for other students. I like what I see here so far- you are doing a nice job of sharing relevant resources and beginning to formulate your […]
Keil Eggers und
Luke Hartley sind jetzt Freunde vor 8 Jahren, 12 Monaten
Vanessa Daí und
Naakow Grant-Hayford sind jetzt Freunde vor 8 Jahren, 12 Monaten
Vanessa Daí hat das Profilbild geändert vor 9 Jahren
Profil von Vanessa Daí wurde aktualisiert vor 9 Jahren
Vanessa Daí ist der Gruppe
General Discussion beigetreten vor 9 Jahren
Vanessa Daí ist der Gruppe
Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 9 Jahren
Vanessa Daí und
Martin Jank sind jetzt Freunde vor 9 Jahren
Keil Eggers und
Carole Berrih sind jetzt Freunde vor 9 Jahren
Keil Eggers und
Laura McCormack sind jetzt Freunde vor 9 Jahren
Vanessa Daí wurde ein Mitglied vor 9 Jahren
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