Dr. kamal kumar saha
Brandy Pech ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 2 Jahren, 5 Monaten
Juergen Becker ist der Gruppe F.U.S.E – Fall of the U.S. Empire – And Then What? beigetreten vor 3 Jahren, 2 Monaten
Juergen Becker ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 3 Jahren, 2 Monaten
Pooya Parvaresh ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 3 Jahren, 3 Monaten
Eugenio Mendoza ist der Gruppe F.U.S.E – Fall of the U.S. Empire – And Then What? beigetreten vor 3 Jahren, 4 Monaten
I am a bit surprised that the discussion about the fall of the Empire anticipated 10 years ago by JG has so little discussion in the IG. It’s as if the Titanic is about to sink and we musicians (the intellectuals) are still playing in the middle of the chaos. As if its uncontainable waters will never come. Is it perhaps a stoic reaction to the inevitable?
What options did the musicians have on the Titanic?
What options do citizens have in a sinking state?-
The Titanic was doomed to sink. Surely the musicians had nothing better to do than to continue playing until the end. To wait for the unavoidable. Of course, they could stop playing and try to save their lives. They knew they wouldn’t have a boat but there was always the alternative to stop playing and be creative. I now see that this is a bad…[Weiterlesen]
I think that whatever we are, we have to be creative. Apply the tools available and fight for survival in the best possible way we can.
It never stops amazing me how Johan Galtun has been able to develop his intuition to anticipate what happened to the Soviet Union and what is happening in the USA.It’s like seeing, in that metaphor of the…[Weiterlesen]
I found this RT interview. Here Johan suggests in its last part some do´s as USA contradictions get harder. May be the life saver in the sinking state, may be (at least some do´s) for other sinking states as well.
Tanveer Akhtar ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 7 Jahren, 2 Monaten
Robert Thömmes ist der Gruppe F.U.S.E – Fall of the U.S. Empire – And Then What? beigetreten vor 7 Jahren, 5 Monaten
Clara Holling ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 7 Jahren, 8 Monaten
Gokhan ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 7 Jahren, 9 Monaten
Alexandra ist der Gruppe F.U.S.E – Fall of the U.S. Empire – And Then What? beigetreten vor 7 Jahren, 9 Monaten
Selina Lüthi ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 8 Jahren, 2 Monaten
Key-Admin-G-I replied to the forum topic Question about positive peace? in the group Anything Galtung vor 8 Jahren, 3 Monaten
Here is what the mental disposition of a conflict transformation & positive peace specialist looks like
(1) Martin Buber’s I and Thou part 1
(2) Martin […]
Key-Admin-G-I bearbeitete das Doc Open Reading List — Discover Johan Galtung in der Gruppe Anything Galtung vor 8 Jahren, 4 Monaten
G-I Administration ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 8 Jahren, 5 Monaten
Key-Admin-G-I replied to the forum topic Question about positive peace? in the group Anything Galtung vor 8 Jahren, 5 Monaten
Dear Conflict Transformation Trainees of the Galtung-Institut and visitors: Do have a look at Johan Galtung’s recent editorial on Positive Peace below the table. It is quite instructive. Additionally, read […]
Felix Ulrich ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 8 Jahren, 6 Monaten
Mattis Hülsemann ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 8 Jahren, 6 Monaten
Naakow Grant-Hayford replied to the forum topic Question about positive peace? in the group Anything Galtung vor 8 Jahren, 6 Monaten
Positiver und Negativer Frieden: Ein Schaubild aus: „50 Years 25 Intellectual Landscapes Explored“ p.130 [ https://www.galtung-institut.de/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/TUP-FLYER.pdf ]
Hanno Heynitz replied to the forum topic Question about positive peace? in the group Anything Galtung vor 8 Jahren, 6 Monaten
Hallo Victoria,
im Buch „A Theory of Peace“ (2012) besonders auf Seite 52 [ https://www.transcend.org/tup/index.php?book=23 ] (im Anhang das Schaubild), wird das Konzept des Friedens erörtert.
Zunächst i […]
Hanno Heynitz ist der Gruppe Anything Galtung beigetreten vor 8 Jahren, 6 Monaten
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