
  • Naakow Grant-Hayford postete ein Update vor 12 Jahren, 7 Monaten

    So the U.S is disgusted with the chinese and russian veto that prevents the absolute marginalization of the Syrian regime and strongly deplores the use of indiscriminate artillery and tanks against innocent civilians including women and children. A strong statement by Rice. Does anyone care to upload a copy of the resolution in here?

    • So Mrs. Rice is disgusted. Below is a video which puts Mrs. Rice’s statement into perspective.


      Watch it all, or simply connect Rice’s speech with Clark’ speech from 3:50 onwards. Quite eye opening. Unfortunately, some of us do have a memory and remember what is said by relevant people. In the video below, there is a underappreciated statement by former U.S presidential candidate Wesley Clark who commanded Operation Allied Force in the Kosovo War during his term as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000. This put him in command of 109,000 American troops, their 150,000 family members, 50,000 civilians aiding the military, and all American military activities in 89 countries and territories of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.The position made Clark the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), which granted him overall command of NATO military forces in Europe.

    • http://www.columbia.edu/~hauben/Report_of_Arab_League_Observer_Mission.pdf


      Not exactly the UNSC report but it certainly is rather important as it is the Mission Report of the Syrian observers which in the words of Pepe Escobar: „So the current “Arab-led drive to secure a peaceful end to the 10-month crackdown” in Syria at the UN is no less than a crude regime change drive. Usual suspects Washington, London and Paris have been forced to fall over themselves to assure the real international community this is not another mandate for NATO bombing – a la Libya. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton described it as “a path for a political transition that would preserve Syria’s unity and institutions”.


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