Discover Galtung – An introductory Reading List

Discover Galtung – An introductory Reading List

Discover Galtung – An Introductory Reading List


01)   Galtung on Culture : From Polyglot to Polycultural: A Next Step in Raising Children

02)   Galtung on Epistemology 2: Deductive Thinking and Political Practice

03) Galtung on Macrohistory:  “Macrohistorians Combined: Towards Eclecticism”

04)   Galtung on International Relations 1: ‘A Structural Theory of Imperialism’ (MUST READ)

05)   Galtung on International Relations 2:   The Fall of the U.S Empire  — (Click here for the Book)


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06)   Galtung on International (trans-state) Relations 3: ‘ EU and Multi-Polar Globalization’

07)Galtung on Economics 1: Marxism and Capitalism: Two Ways of Being Western [MUST READ]

08)Galtung on Economics 2: A World In Economic Crisis – Predicting Economic Crisis [MUSTREAD]

09)   Galtung on Culture 1:  Rethinking Conflict the Cultural Approach

10)   Galtung on Epistemology of Peace Theory and Peace Practice

11)   Galtung on Culture 3: Cultural Peace – Some Characteristics 

12)   Galtung on Culture 4: Cultural Violence [MUSTREAD]

13)   Galtung on Religion 1: Religions Hard and Soft [MUST READ]

14)  Galtung on Religion 2: Global Structures of Social Injustice

15)   Galtung on Development 1: The Social Costs of Modernization: Disintegration & Development


16)   Galtung on Development 2: Self Reliance part 1 & Self Reliance part 2

17)   Galtung on Ecology 1: Eco-Logic & Politologic are they compatible? [MUST READ]

18)   Galtung on Ecology 2: Perspectives on Environmental Politics in Overdeveloped and Underdeveloped Countries

19)   Galtung on Ecology 3: The Cocoyoc Declaration (UNEP/UNCTAD symposium)

20)   Galtung on Ecology 4: The Energy – Environment – Development Triad

21) Galtung on Anthropology:  The Basic Needs Approach

22)Galtung on Conflict 1: FORESEEING CONFLICT [MUST READ]

23)Galtung on Conflict 2 : On the Psychology of the TRANSCEND Approach

24)Galtung on Statism : Small is Beautiful – How much big is Necessary? An Essay on Federalism.

25)Galtung on Peace 1: Not enough Peace? May be the Mediators fault

26)Galtung on Peace 2: Violence, Peace and Peace Research

27)Galtung on Violence: Violence: Visible and Invisible Effects [MUST READ]

28)Galtung on Nonviolence: Nonviolence and Israel Palestine

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