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1st January 2011


Riz Kahn’s One on One with Johan Galtung

Welcome to the Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice.

The Galtung-Institut for Peace Theory and Peace Practice (G-I) is a reflection of the program of TRANSCEND International and is the on-site carrier of the TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU) program, offering on-site tutorials on Conflict Transformation during the TPU-terms in Grenzach-Wyhlen in Germany.

The G-I is a multilingual, independent study-, research-, resource- and training center for peace theory and peace practice founded in May 2011 by Prof. Galtung, his three assistants, two professors of peace and conflict studies, two former representatives of the U.N and a former representative of the Goethe-Institut. The G-I is proud to be related to TRANSCEND International the premier global network of specialists working for Peace, Development and Environment by peaceful, developmental and environmental means.

Through TRANSCEND Peace University (TPU) and TRANSCEND University Press (TUP), the G-I offers authoritative on-line courses in conflict transformation and conflict resolution headed by distinguished international scholars. Alongside these digital courses, tutorials and public lectures pertaining to Peace Research in general, to Conflict Transformation in particular and other pertinent fields will be offered on-site.

The G-I provides international students, academics, politicians and development practitioners interested in peace-studies, peace-research and peace-work with direct access to the specific epistemology, theories, methodology and scholarly excellence behind the findings of Prof. Johan Galtung, the core founding figure of the academic discipline of Peace- and Conflict Studies.

This first European G-I is situated in the tri-border region (“Dreiländereck”) of Germany, France and Switzerland and works for the world at large. A second Galtung-Institut is situated in Mexico.


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