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You will find important research-papers, articles and editorials on concepts and issues at the heart of Prof. Galtung’s research and findings by him and likeminded intellectuals from all over the world. Enjoy.
tms/search/?q=peace This database contains over 8000 articles mainly selected for their solution-oriented, solution-indicative or constructive content. About 50 new articles are added every week since August 2008 by Antonio Rosa. The editorial bias is towards nonviolence and analytical equidistance. - TRANSCEND Archive II: MEMBER‘S PAPERS –
This Database is equally huge and has been growing for over a decade. It contains contributions by TRANSCEND members from Johan Galtung, Vandana Shiva et al. Please be notified: that this search engine distinguishes between “searching title” & “searching author only”. To yield more findings, use “search full text”.- TRANSCEND Archive III:
galtung/papers.php Essays and Research by Johan Galtung since 1975