said ezz eldin nasr



said ezz eldin nasr

Welcome to our community: How do you define PEACE?

Peace is God…..

How did you find this community?

the future hope on earth

Do you have any professional experience in the field of peace-research? peace-studies? peace-practice?

-Attended culture of peace course in Alexandria, instructed by professor Alicia cabuzudo during the summer of 2012.
– one of the founder of the “Popular center for rights and freedoms” in Alexandria.
– general coordinator of the popular committees for defending the revolution in Alexandria, Egypt.

Are you at all familiar with concepts of Nonviolence and Conflict Transformation?

yes, and practiced nonviolence and conflict transformations during the Egyptian revolution

What are your primary conceptual interests and concerns

Avoiding wars all around the globe



What is your main regional focus?

structures reform and social accountability leveraging


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