PAGNOU TCHINDA Sintiche Nahomie



PAGNOU TCHINDA Sintiche Nahomie

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Central Africa

CV •+237 699 37 74 42 • Lives in Yaoundé, Cameroon • Nationality: Cameroonian
Dynamic professional with four years experience in international affairs, security and peace issues particularly in Africa. Skilled in researching and analyzing foreign policy and security with a focus on Central Africa; Draft reports for senior stakeholders including for UNSC members; Competent in explaining complex information in easily understandable language. Bilingual: French (native); English (fluent).
Main areas of expertise: Main skills:
International diplomacy Research and analysis
Peace and security Writing official letters, reports and briefings
Peacebuilding Event logistics

Jan.-Dec. 2018 Political and social affairs associate

March-Nov. 2017

Aug.-Sept. 2016

Oct. 2014 to 2017

March-June 2016

Nov.-June 2015

Aug.-Sept. 2014
International Organization of la Francophonie at United Nations – New York, United-states

 Monitor, analyze and write reports on political and security issues, including UN peacekeeping, humanitarian situation and prepare updates for the Secretary General senior officer of la Francophonie;
 Develop a network of contacts from the UN, international organizations, civil society and governments to be updated about recent political developments;
 Contribute to the organization of special events at the UN.
Key accomplishments:
 Drafted reports, analytical briefings and diplomatic notes on peace and security issues, particularly on women, peace and security; Children and armed conflict; And UN peacekeeping related issues (focus on: Minusca, Minusma; Monusco);
 Organized a meeting gathering UN senior officials for peacekeeping mission and UN senior officials for operational support, and Francophone Ambassadors on the action for peacekeeping.

Intern/assistant analyst and researcher on the Central African Republic

Enough Project – Yaoundé, Cameroon

 Assisted the Enough analyst and researcher on CAR with researching, writing, editing reports, briefings and Oped;
 Focused research on armed groups, political economy of conflict, regionalism;
 Developed weekly media reviews updates from national and international medias.
Key accomplishments:
Provided support and editing of report: “Splintered Warfare: alliances, affiliations and agendas of armed groups in the CAR” and Oped: “Stop rewarding violence in the CAR” published in French outlet Le Monde.

Research analyst and investigator on conflict resource in CAR (master’s research)

Organizations host: Search for Common Ground and CAR Ministry of Mines – Bangui, Berberati, Carnot, Boda (CAR)

 Researched: “Governance of natural resource and the resurgence of armed conflict in Central Africa: the case of diamonds in the Central African Republic – 1996-2016”;
 Collected documents, visited mining areas and interviewed a broad range of (local, national and international) actors involved in the licit or illicit trade of diamonds.
Key accomplishments:
Main conclusion of the research’s thesis: Diamonds in CAR are managed through neo-patrimonial scheme, captured in the hands of a few national and foreign actors who fuel instability and conflict, the power struggle. This system prevents development and divert revenues for private gain.

Administrative assistant

Protestant University of Central Africa – Yaoundé, Cameroon

 Provided support to the faculty of social sciences and international relations: logistics, administration, events organizing;
Processed, purchased and managed office supplies.

Intern – Policy assistant to Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Foreign Ministry of Cameroon – Yaoundé, Cameroon

 Produced administrative documents on Central African conflicts.
 Focused on the war against Boko Haram.

Project assistant/Intern on gender issues

CAMNAFAW – Yaoundé, Cameroon

 Coordinated a campaign on gender-based violence for refugees from CAR and Cameroon.
Project assistant/Intern

Ministry of external relations in Cameroon – Yaoundé, Cameroon

 Worked on administrative documents.
 Focus on political, social and economic situation of CAR and developed analysis on the Boko Haram crisis.


2014– 2017 Master of Arts in social science and international relation – Specialization peace and development
Protestant University of Central Africa – Yaoundé, Cameroon

2011 – 2014 Bachelor of Arts in social science and international relation – Specialization peace and development
Protestant University of Central Africa – Yaoundé, Cameroon,




May 2017


Introduction to peacebuilding (Global Campus of United States Institute of peace) – Online training

Training in Law”: (Humanitarianism Part 1: Applying Key Principles – French)

Project management conference accelerating Africa’s economic transformation through project management-Pan African-PMC. Contribution to the implementation of 2063 of African Union

Gender inclusion: A priority for the United Nations-UN Women –Cameroon

OHADA at the service of economy of enterprise
Coaching on project evaluation
Other information

Computer skills Microsoft Office, Adobe Professional

Driving license


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