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9th January 2017

Study Online with Prof. Galtung: Advanced Conflict Transformation

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Click here – Enroll now and secure a spot.


Core competencies acquired in this course:

  • Fundamental concepts and instruments for professional Conflict Analysis and Solution-Indicative Conflict Transformation
  • Solving simple actor conflicts
  • Solving complex actor conflicts
  • Solving structural conflicts
  • Solving conflicts across spaces and social levels

Goal: Acquire a creative, constructive and concrete idea of conflict and its transformation. Based on the books published by TRANSCEND University Press and 60 years of uninterrupted mediation and research, Prof. Dr. Dr. mult. Galtung teaches enrolled participants how to read and transform complex, real life conflict-formations at all levels of analysis. In the exercises embedded in the course, participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their current level of conflict literacy and interact with other participants from all over the world.

For access to a track record of his many contributions to politics and research since 1957, see Trackrecord in Mediation, the Publications & Bibliography or watch this Biopic: Who is Johan Galtung.

This course, offered in partnership with TRANSCEND INTERNATIONAL, is based on the book “A Theory of Conflict” by Prof. Galtung, TRANSCEND University Press, 2010 which will be freely available to participants. It is also assumed that the course participants know some of the pertinent freely available material on



The course, which spans a total of 12 weeks, will give an insight into the method of conflict transformation (including conflict theory, conflict analysis, peace theory & peacebuilding). In order to develop a more multilateral approach to interactive learning, the course, directed by Prof. Johan Galtung, is organized into modules with the contribution of other experts based at the Galtung-Institut in Germany through six Skype sessions. Interaction is an integral part of the online course. Participants are expected to work together through a chat room provided by the Galtung-Institut and are expected to deliver 6 collective essays (of maximum 10 pages, Font: Times new Roman size 10), on the six cases listed below and an additional individual essay. The assignments and dialogues with Prof. Galtung will revolve around the following themes

  1. ISLAM AND THE WEST: from violence to cooperation ?
  2. AFRICA: searching for futures beyond decolonization & neo-imperialism?
  3. The AMERICAS: On more North – South cooperation and South independence from North.
  4. The ASIAS: Japan, China & the Koreas: towards an East Asian community?
  5. The EUROPES: Are we witnessing the decline of Europe?
  6. The MIDDLE EAST and WEST ASIA: Overcoming “IS”, Turkey-Israel/Palestine-Iran-Afghanistan: On Nonviolent Security and Conflict Transformation in Diplomatic Solutions?

General rules:

Course material will be made available by Galtung-Institut staff in order to be discussed and developed during the Skype sessions with Prof. Galtung. As mentioned above, participants will receive collective assignments on which they will work together for the following week. Written collective essays are expected on Tuesdays (eleven days later), whilst responses and comments by Prof. Galtung are issued within 72 hours. Everything will be distributed to all participants for collective learning. Due to the nature of the course, deadlines must be respected.

Please notice: the Skype sessions will last 1 (one) hour (with some flexibility) and will be organized according to the time zone of participants and course instructors. They are meant as intense and professional Question/Answers sessions based on the reading material and the experience levels of the participants. Studying the material sent to participants is essential!

This online course is designed to appeal to participants of graduate or post-graduate level, or people with equivalent experience. Participation requires the commitment to read and analyze the materials offered by the course instructor, to participate actively in group discussions and assignments and to respect the reading and responding time frames. Our past experience has proven, that participants must be ready and willing to devote no less than six to eight hours a week in order to benefit satisfactorily from the course.

FEES: The fees per course amount to € 800 for participants from OECD-countries and € 400 for participants from non-OECD countries for the 12-week courses in spring and fall.


peacebuilding galtung ALL NEW BOOKS BY GALTUNG 2008 - 20015Study Material: The course is based on Johan Galtung’s books:

  • 50 Years 100 Peace and Conflict Perspectives, Transcend University Press — FREELY AVAILABLE TO PARTICIPANTS – Enroll to get your copy.
  • The Fall of the US Empire and then What, Transcend University Press — available for half price (check our price list here)

Participants will also receive additional reading-material, assignments and comments during the 12 weeks of the course.

Objectives: By the end of the course, participants should:

  • recognize socio-dynamic contradictions and assess the importance of their dialectics for the diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of conflict formations. At the core of this solution oriented course on conflict transformation, concepts of violence, peace and equity will be studied at the meso (between and within groups), macro (between and within States and Nations) and mega level (between and within Civilizations).
  • be able to use these concepts to evaluate the capacity of various approaches of peace-building, peace-keeping and peace-making to solve conflicts effectively and durably.
  • own methods and heuristic tools which will allow them to improve their professional competencies in the field and enhance their skill-sets as conflict transformation specialists.

The course provides the necessary toolkit for analyzing conflicts and investigating pathways to solutions, through the lens of nonviolence, empathy and creativity.


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